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Libri in uscita: "Come Into My World" (Serie On a Night Like This #3) di Sean Kennedy

Titolo: Come Into My World
Serie: On a night like this #3 
Autore: Sean Kennedy 
Editore: Self-Published 
Genere: Contemporaneo 
Pagg.: 72 
Prezzo: € 0.99 - Disponibile anche in KU 
Data di uscita: 13 febbraio 2018 
Link per l'acquisto: Amazon 

On a night like this, magic can happen. 
Seven couples. 
Seven stories. 
One night. 
A night for love.

Steve Colvin, ex-reality TV star, is trapped in a world of his own making. Refusing to let himself be outed on television, he has lived a lie ever since. It doesn't help that his brother is also gay, out and proud with a drag queen boyfriend to boot. Logically, this should make coming out easier, but it doesn't.

His self-defence mechanisms are wearing down, and Steve is in danger of losing everybody close to him as he shuts them out. But Dev, the kind-hearted nurse, keeps sticking around. And he’s the one Steve is most scared of losing, although he doesn't want to admit to himself why... 

Volumi già pubblicati che compongono la serie:
Wow! (Serie On a Night Like This #1): clicca qui 
Confide in Me (Serie On Night Like This #2): clicca qui 

Sean Kennedy biografia
SEAN KENNEDY vive a Perth, nell’Australia occidentale, ma il suo cuore apparterrà sempre alla sua città natale, Melbourne, che è anche la casa di Simon Murray e Declan Tyler della serie Tigri e Diavoli. Un discepolo del culto di David Lynch, Sean attende col fiato sospeso il ritorno di Twin Peaks.
Sito web: clicca qui

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